The technical term is solar lentigo but sunspots are commonly known as: annoying discolorations that make the skin dull and heterogeneous. Their appearance is a widespread phenomenon among men and women, especially after 40 and affects both the skin of the face and the body.
How do they look like?
The solar lentigo are flat spots on the skin, with an irregular shape and variable color. They can be hazelnut, red, brown or dark brown and can range from a few millimeters up to one or more centimeters in size. They can appear on the face, cleavage, shoulders, back or hands and are a sign of skin photo-aging.
What are they caused by?
As you can easily understand by their name, the main cause of solar lentigo appearance is the extended exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays that brings to a bad functioning of melanocytes. Melanocytes are cells that produce melanin, a substance that protects the skin from the harmful action of UV rays and that gives our skin a golden tan. When melanin is produced homogeneously, the tan will be even, but when the melanocytes do not work properly, the much-feared sunspots will appear.
But, pay attention, the sun is not the only cause to the appearance of sunspots, it is necessary to consider genetic, hormonal and environmental factors too.
How to prevent the appearance of dyschromia?
The golden rule to avoid the solar lentigo is the application of sunscreen, from May to September both in the city and at the sea. It is a myth to dispel that sunscreen is essential only at the sea, because sunrays reach our skin even in the office, at school or while walking around the city and using a cream with high SPF is definitely the best weapon to avoid the appearance of sunspots.
In addition to the use of sunscreen, it is recommended to avoid the sun during the hottest hours and while taking pills, keep hydrated also through nutrition, pay attention to the use of alcohol-based perfumes and postpone in winter photodepilation treatments or laser sessions.
What if the sunspots have already appeared?
Do not panic, also in this case there are different solutions to solve and improve the condition of your skin. If the situation is particularly critical, we recommend consulting a dermatologist, but if the spots are light and recoverable you can do something by yourself. Treatments and cosmetic products anti dark spots, exfoliating peeling and whitening creams.
Verdeoasi Milano with its RADIANCE line can help you to fight solar spot, cutaneous dyschromia and melanin accumulation. The line offers:
- Whitening and hydrating day cream: its brightening agents reduce the dark spots by inhibiting the synthesis of melanin;
- SOS dark spots: an intensive localized treatment to be applied on the single dark spot;
- Night mask radiance peeling: leave it while sleeping and thanks to the fruit acids contained, it gives a delicate exfoliation.
Whether it’s preventing or inhibiting sunspots, you now have all the weapons you need to face this enemy and get a radiant, bright and even skin!